DNPA Code of Ethics

DNPA Code of Ethics

DNPA Code of Ethics For

PURPOSE:- We committed to upholding the DNPA highest ethical standards in all business dealings. This policy ensures that each associate conducts Company affairs with integrity, complies with applicable laws, and avoids any actions that prioritize personal gain over the Company’s interests.

Below is a summary of the Company’s policy regarding: (1) gifts, favors, entertainment, and payments given or received by associates; (2) potential conflicts of interest; and (3) other relevant matters:


**Gifts, Favors, and Payments by the Company:** The Company may give gifts, favors, and payments to others under the following conditions:

1. They align with accepted business practices.
2. They are of a limited value and cannot be seen as a bribe or kickback.
3. They comply with all applicable laws and ethical standards.
4. Public knowledge of the gift will not reflect poorly on the Company.

Additionally, making payments, commissions, or providing compensation to associates of customers (or their family members or associates) that are not outlined in a written contract is against Company policy.

Gifts, Favors, Entertainment, and Payments Received by Company Associates:

1. Associates must not request or accept any gifts, favors, entertainment, or payments for themselves or others unless there is a valid business reason. They should also avoid accepting personal loans, except for standard loans at market rates from lending institutions, from anyone who does or wants to do business with the Company, or from its competitors. This policy applies in the following ways:

A. Acceptable Gifts and Courtesies:**

Associates may accept common courtesies typically associated with standard business practices for themselves and their family members, including:

– Lunch or dinner with vendors, which may include spouses, as long as the vendor extends the invitation.
– Small-value gifts from vendors, such as calendars, pens, or notepads.
– Tickets to events (like sports or arts) if offered by the vendor, provided the vendor accompanies the associate. These tickets should not be solicited by the associate and must be approved by the appropriate company officer.
– Overnight outings are allowed if individuals from other companies or the vendor attend, but prior approval from the appropriate company officer is required.
– Acceptance of alcoholic beverages is discouraged.
– Gifts of perishable items typically given during holidays, such as hams, cookies, or nuts, are acceptable.

B. Standards for Gifts and Entertainment:

A high standard must be maintained regarding gifts, services, discounts, entertainment, or any other considerations from suppliers.

– Day outings, such as golf, fishing, or hunting, are permissible with prior approval from the appropriate company officer. The vendor must be present, and family members of the associate may not participate.
– Associates and their families are prohibited from using vendors’ facilities (like vacation homes) for personal purposes. If the vendor is present during the visit, it may be allowed once a year for a limited duration (e.g., a long weekend), but this also requires prior approval from the appropriate company officer.

Under no circumstances should associates accept gifts in cash or cash equivalents, such as stocks or other marketable securities, regardless of the amount.

2. Management associates should not accept gifts of significant value from individuals they supervise.

Conflicts of Interest:

Associates should avoid any situations that could create a conflict between their personal interests and those of the Company. In all dealings with customers, suppliers, contractors, competitors, or anyone looking to do business with the Company, associates must act in the Company’s best interest. Each associate is required to promptly and fully disclose in writing to their manager any potential conflicts of interest. These conflicts may include:

1. An associate or their family member owning a significant stake in any outside business that does or wants to do business with, or competes against, the Company.

2. Serving as a director, officer, partner, consultant, or in any managerial or technical role for an outside business that does or wants to do business with, or competes against, the Company. Exceptions to this rule can only be approved by the Chief Executive Officer of dailynews24.

3. Acting as a broker, intermediary, or otherwise facilitating transactions for the benefit of a third party that involve the Company or its interests.

4. Any other situations, including personal or family relationships, that might prevent the associate from acting in the best interest of the Company.

Confidential Information:

It is strictly prohibited to disclose or use any confidential product information, decision data, plans, or any other information that could harm the Company’s interests without prior authorization. Misusing, accessing without permission, or mishandling confidential information—especially personnel information—is not allowed and can result in disciplinary action, including possible immediate termination.


Violating this policy may lead to disciplinary action or immediate termination. Any associate who becomes aware of a policy violation must report it right away to the appropriate management level. Each vice president and company officer at dailynews24 is responsible for ensuring compliance within their areas. If you have any questions about this policy, please reach out to the corporate Vice President of Human Resources.

Social Media Guidelines:


The attached document outlines our policy in detail, but here’s a brief overview. The guidelines are straightforward:

Use good judgment
– Remember that almost nothing you post is truly private.
– Always act like a professional.

If there’s one key takeaway about social media, it’s this: when you post on platforms like Twitter or Facebook, you’re not just sharing with a few “friends” or “followers.” You are making public statements that can be recorded and seen by anyone, potentially reaching a global audience.

Most people might not notice your posts right away, but some will. If you say or share something provocative, controversial, or shocking, it could quickly attract a lot of attention.

Importantly, your intentions when you hit “publish” don’t matter as much as how others interpret your words. Perception is what counts. So, always use good judgment.

Understand Social Media:

In today’s fast-paced world of online communication, social media encompasses a wide range of platforms and tools. This includes anything you use to share information or content on the internet, such as blogs, personal websites, social networking sites (like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube), bulletin boards, and chat rooms, whether or not they are related to the Company.

Know and Respect Company Policies:

Familiarize yourself with this policy and all policies in the Employee Handbook to ensure your posts align with them. Inappropriate content, such as discriminatory remarks, harassment, or threats of violence, will not be tolerated and can lead to disciplinary action, including termination.

Be Careful What You Post:

You are responsible for what you share online. Remember that once something is posted, it can remain public for a long time, even if you try to delete or change it later. The Company is not liable for any mistakes or issues that arise from your online communications.

Speak for Yourself, Not the Company:

Your posts should reflect your personal views, not the Company’s. If you discuss the Company or its contacts, clearly identify yourself as an employee and include a disclaimer that your views are your own.

Be Respectful and Professional:

Always communicate in a fair and courteous manner. If you post complaints or criticisms, avoid using language that could be seen as malicious, obscene, or threatening. Do not disparage colleagues or create a hostile environment. Be mindful of others’ privacy, and refrain from sharing false, misleading, or harmful content. This policy doesn’t prevent employees from engaging in protected activities, such as discussing wages or working conditions.

Be Honest and Accurate:

Always strive to be honest and accurate in your posts. If you make a mistake, correct it promptly and be transparent about any changes you make to previous posts.

Respect Laws and Confidentiality:

Follow all laws related to copyright, privacy, and confidentiality. Do not share sensitive or confidential information about the Company or others unless you have permission. Always respect intellectual property rights, such as obtaining permission before posting someone’s photo or private conversation. When using social media sites, adhere to their legal terms and guidelines.

Report Your Concerns:

If you believe a colleague has violated this policy, discuss your concerns with Human Resources. The Company prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports concerns or participates in an investigation.


At dailynews24, we maintain a strict policy against plagiarism, as is common in journalistic organizations.


Reporters are required to seek out both sides of a story. This means giving those who are accused negatively a chance to respond. Reporters should present accusations thoroughly and allow for comprehensive responses.

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